Submissions will be first reviewed by an editor who will decide whether they are of sufficient quality to proceed with the review process. The editors reserve the right to immediately reject or request immediate revisions of submissions that do not adhere to the requirements listed above. Manuscripts will be read by two peer-reviewers.
The editors will notify authors about the status of their submission via email within 60 days after its reception. If the submission has been accepted for publication, we will send preliminary comments for any suggested revisions. In the interest of time, we ask that authors return their edited text and digital images electronically within 15 days of notification of acceptance. Some authors whose pieces are not initially accepted for publication will be given a suggestion to “revise and resubmit.” This suggestion is literal, and we will review resubmissions after revisions or improvements are made.
Authors will receive a link to the copyedited version of their piece for final proofreading before it goes “live” on the journal’s website.