For authors


Estudios bandísticos / Wind Band Studies does not consider any published article or that is currently under revision by another journal. Word limits depend on the type of contribution (see below). In general, manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word file (.docx). Please, pay attention to the following points:

  • Articles should be submitted by following these specifications: 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing with full justification.
  • Authors are asked not to enable reviewers to draw any conclusions about their name/authorship in the text.
  • Articles should include:
    • Title
    • Name
    • Affiliation
    • Orcid ID
    • Abstract of no more than 150 words
    • Five Keywords
    • If the article is written in Spanish or Portuguese, it should include its title, its abstract, and keywords translated into English.
    • Structure: There are not any restrictions in this field.
    • Word limits: No more than 8,000 words (including notes and bibliography).
  • Dissertation:
    • Title
    • Name
    • University
    • Supervisor
    • Date of finalization
    • Structure: The body of the main text should be structured as follows: a brief description of the objectives and methodology, an explanation of its structure, main outcomes, and an index of contents.
    • Word limits: No more than 2,500 words (including notes and bibliography).
  • Book Review
    • Title
    • Name
    • A brief book publication information (book author(s)/editor(s), book title, city/cities, publisher, ISBN number, and price.
    • The body of the review should be structured as follows: brief description or explanation of the book’s content, discussion of the book’s relevance to cultural studies, critical evaluation of the book’s contents.
    • Word limits: No more than 2,500 words (including notes and bibliography).


This journal publishes manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and other Spanish Official languages.


For all questions related to style, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (author-date in the text, and complete references at the end). For consulting our brief guide, click here. Notice that articles that not suite with our editorial rules will be returned to the author.


Figures must be placed within the manuscript at the appropriate place (including captions) and attached as separate files (JPG, TIFF; 350 dpi at 15 cm/6 inches in portrait format). Note that it is the author’s responsibility to secure permission for reproducing any material in copyright.

Musical examples will be attached as a finale file ( .musx). All of the musical examples must be edited; we do not accept captures of printed music.

Submitting your paper

This journal uses OJS to manage the peer-review process. At the present moment, this part of the website is under construction. Please, contact to Miguel Ángel Ríos by email:

Peer review Process

Submissions will be first reviewed by an editor who will decide whether they are of sufficient quality to proceed with the review process. The editors reserve the right to immediately reject or request immediate revisions of submissions that do not adhere to the requirements listed above. Manuscripts will be read by two peer-reviewers.

The editors will notify authors about the status of their submission via email within 60 days after its reception. If the submission has been accepted for publication, we will send preliminary comments for any suggested revisions. In the interest of time, we ask that authors return their edited text and digital images electronically within 15 days of notification of acceptance. Some authors whose pieces are not initially accepted for publication will be given a suggestion to “revise and resubmit.” This suggestion is literal, and we will review resubmissions after revisions or improvements are made.

Authors will receive a link to the copyedited version of their piece for final proofreading before it goes “live” on the journal’s website.

Review Criteria

Each manuscript must meet a high standard of criteria to be considered for publication. Referees are asked to evaluate a paper according to the following aspects:

  • Relevance and originality:
  • Acceptation of the journal guidelines and policies
  • Correction of referring sources and references
  • Language and style

On the basis of these criteria, reviewers are asked to forward a final reasoned recommendation that will be the basis for the editors’s decision to publish a paper:

  • Acceptable in present form and recommended for publication
  • Acceptable with minor corrections; no further review necessary
  • Requires moderate or major revision and a second review
  • Not acceptable


The editors do not pass on any reviewer’s identity either to the author or to other reviewers. Neither do they reveal the author’s name to a reviewer. Although authors and reviewers are asked to not reveal their names to each other, both parties nevertheless may independently decide to identify themselves to the other.

Further Questions

 You can contact with Miguel Ángel Ríos by email: